Police were called to the DIY store late Wednesday evening after the pair were spotted acting suspiciously by security staff. They had apparently been removing the contents of an expensive fitting from its box and attempting to put into the packaging of a cheaper version.
May and Johnson also attempted to steal a set of tap fittings by hiding them under the trolley.
“We all recognised Johnson," said a member of staff. "No one could quite believe a bloke like him, with all that money, would be moronic enough to nick a toilet seat. But that's what him and May were doing.
“They were spotted by one of our security guards, a chap of 74, and cops arrived as they were trying to leave.
“They seemed to find the whole thing funny and couldn't stop smirking even after they had been arrested.”
Millwall have refused to comment on the incident after May became the THIRD player to find himself in trouble with the law this season.